10 Things We Need to See From WordPress Page Builder in 2023

WordPress Page builder

There are many who still look at WordPress page builder as they are something that creates problems. The truth is that the creators are still working a lot on creating something that will help the users.

It is easy to use as one can drag the widgets from the side panel and drop them on the page to see how it looks. It goes from basics to advance and the users have a wide choice.

One can work on the builder directly from the live site or there is admin area which can be used to create the site.

It is a fact that WordPress page builder comes with certain benefits. The WordPress page builder are either cheaper or most often free for use compared to hiring a professional designer or website developer.

It is a great support for non-techies to create custom pages which will not require them to have any basics of coding and take control of the project.

There is also no need for any extra plugins as builder create multiuse plugins in one form. The already existing sites have an option to get tweaked a bit when there is a requirement for changes.

The market is still not fully supportive of the WordPress page builder but still, their number is growing. It is also because the demand has always been there.

skt page builder

The users have many times stated that every site is different and thus they all have different needs and demands.

The WordPress page builder thus supports a lot of them and can be beneficial for most of the demands seem fit. This is the reason they are successfully present in the scene.

Every year makes an attempt to add something to the service to make websites effective.

1) Straightforward and Intuitive Interface:- The users should have the power to control the webpage even after the page has been launched.

This might sound like an obvious thing and it should be one. The year 2018 allows the users to edit the page with ease after the launch without having to go through a lot of documents.

2) Beaver Builder:- This is a front-end editor which is also very apt at delivery. What you see is what you get with this builder.

There is a difference in what the readers will see and what has been offered. The editing allows you to take charge and make the page look the way you want it to be. There are powerful controls for controlling the display.

3) Mobile-Friendly and Responsive Website:- This will look like an obvious thing to mention but its crucial and hence deserves a mention. Any website that is not created with the mobile version will be doomed.

The largest number of users is using this medium and thus the process of creating a website that has a mobile version first is a smart thing to do. Test these websites for different browsers as well so that there is no fall.

4) Visual Composer:- It has been considered the best drag and drop builder since long. It allows the content to be styles with different frontend and backend styles. There are 45 modules available in this drag and drop builder.

5) Content Retention after Deactivation:- When anything from the page is deactivated the content should not be lost.

This has been a common issue with the web users that when they stop using a particular feature they miss out on whole content. This one feature is provided by many page builders so that the content is intact even in case of a crash.

6) SiteOrigin WordPress Page builder: – This one is a blessing for the year. There are front-end and back-end editing. The user gets to completely work on the website with full control.

The additional benefit of using this one is that the page is built with widgets. The diversity is what has made this one climb up the list.

7) Ready to Use Layouts:- These ready to use layouts has a lot of benefits for the builders. They provide themes and skin for the website to look attractive and do not involve a lot of work.

The person with limited or no knowledge of coding finds it a great source to create a usable product.

8) Speed and Performance:- Creating a website that has SEO intact is not a one-step process. There are many phases and it outcomes depends on the hosting site, videos, images, Keyword Density, optimization and so on.

The thing that one should focus on in the coming year is to be strategic in a choice of services and plugins. Anything that is hampering the speed should be replaced immediately for better website performance.

9) Compatibility:- When the builders are using so many different elements for improving the functionality of the webpage they should focus on compatibility as well.

Make sure that the website is upgraded whenever there is an update available. It should continuously be improved by removing old shortcodes that are no longer relevant. With newer technology keeping up-to-date is a necessity and lot a choice.

The list may seem like nothing has changed but there is a lot that the year will see. The 2018 market will be full of surprises as there are new Google SEO updates and the visitor’s trends are changing fast.

10) Support:-WordPress are the helpful community where you can great support that you can trust with your business. That’s why WordPress is a professional website page builders in 2018.

The website developers should be on the look for everything that will help them create a better website.

This is a great editor with an array of control option for the users. It has been working on the issues and have created a beautiful front-end editor.

The visitors see the same interface that you create. The year 2018 will see this functionality in full fledge. There are about 20+ pre-made layouts for users to build anything, not from scratch.

Sonal S Sinha

Sonal S Sinha shares exciting Web development, Web designing, HTML, CMS, free WordPress themes, plugins and other WordPress related articles and news for our readers. He also posts selected WordPress developers interviews from time to time.