Refund & Returns Policy

No Refund Policy:
SKT Themes India may have a strict no-refund policy, especially for digital products like WordPress themes. This means that once you’ve made the purchase, you won’t be eligible for a refund.

Limited Refund Policy:
Others may offer a limited refund policy, allowing refunds only under certain conditions. Common conditions for refunds might include:

The theme doesn’t work as in the demo.
Critical bugs or issues that are not resolved by the support team.
The theme doesn’t meet the specific functionalities mentioned in the documentation.

Support and Update Periods:
A single theme come with a 1 year support and update period. All Theme package comes with 1 year free full support. After this period, you might not be eligible for free updates or support. Ensure you are aware of these limitations before making a purchase.

Read User Reviews:
User reviews can sometimes provide insights into the experiences of others with the theme, including any issues with refunds or returns. read users review here.

Always make sure to understand the terms and conditions before making a purchase. If you have specific questions or concerns, you can reach out to the theme developer or marketplace support for clarification.