The SKT Themes Affiliate Program Terms

To be an authorized affiliate of SKT Themes, (“Company” or “we” or “our”), you (“Affiliate”) agree to abide by the terms and conditions contained in this agreement. Please read this agreement carefully before registering and signing on as an affiliate. By signing up for the SKT Themes Affiliate Program, you are agreeing to accept this Affiliate Program Agreement and its terms and conditions. If you sign up on behalf of a company, organization, or other entity, then (a) “you” includes you and that entity, and (b) you represent and warrant that you are an authorized representative of the entity with the authority to bind the entity to this Agreement, and that you agree to this Agreement on the entity’s behalf.

This Affiliate Program Agreement is subject to change at any time, without prior notice. You are responsible for reviewing this Agreement on a regular basis. Any changes that are made to this Agreement will not apply retroactively and will not apply to disputes or events occurring before the change is published.


1. Promotional Materials.

In connection with any marketing efforts you choose to make for our products, please ensure that all promotional materials adhere to the following guidelines:

A. Product Reviews: In the event that you do a product review of any of our products, you should make sure that you disclose upfront that you receive a percentage of each sale made. In addition, all endorsements must reflect the honest opinions or experiences of the endorser. Any disclosures must be clear and conspicuous and not hidden. The most important principle is that an endorsement has to represent the accurate experience and opinion of the endorser.

B. Linking In Articles: When using our affiliate link in an article, you must display a clear disclosure about the nature of your affiliate links and the material connection you have with our company.

Example Article Disclosure: “Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are ‘affiliate links.’ This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission.”

C. Linking On Social Networks : When using our affiliate links on social networks, you must also display a clear disclosure about the nature of the links and the material connection you have with our company. In the form of social media posts, these disclosures must be part of the post that contains the affiliate link.

2. Affiliate Tracking and Commissions.

A. All sales are tracked using visitor IP addresses. While this is the best method available, it is not perfect. We can only guarantee that sales will be tracked if the user’s IP does not change. Affiliate will include all Site integration tags included any Code incorporated into the Links and/or creative. Affiliate may not alter the Code under any circumstances.

B. Multiple affiliates will not be paid for the same sale. Affiliates agree that in the event of a dispute regarding credit or payment, the sole determination of Company shall be final and binding. If a payment is refunded, then the commission for this payment will be removed from your account.

C. Forcing visitors to click a link, or using fake tracking pixels, or any other means to register unsuspecting visitors in the system is strictly prohibited. Accounts using such methods will be terminated without warning and all revenues will be forfeited. This includes, but is not limited to, the use of: Auto-Hit or Auto-Surf programs, displaying affiliate tracking URL within an iframe or image src, automatic pop-ups or automatic redirects to affiliate URL’s without action by the visitor, or any other method meant to automatically track a visitor in the affiliate system without an intentional click from an interested buyer. If Company believes that Affiliate has fraudulently added registrations by non-approved methods (as solely determined by Company in its judgment), Affiliate agrees the payout for all such fraudulent leads will be forfeited.

D. Visitors referred by Affiliates are tracked for a maximum of 30 days. Visitors who are referred and make a purchase 30 days after clicking an Affiliate’s link will not be tracked, and a sale will not be awarded or compensated.

D. The affiliate that most recently referred a visitor will receive credit for that visitor’s initial purchases.

3. Payments.

A. Payments are sent out automatically at the 15th of each calendar month for previous month to Affiliates with a balance of INR ₹ 5000.00 and above. No payments will be due or payable until an Affiliate has earned at least INR ₹ 5000.00. Payments are made through UPI transfer for Indians. Therefore, you must have a valid UPI Bank ID assigned to your account to receive any payment.

B. Company shall pay Affiliate the agreed upon percentage of Net Revenue from customers. Company shall have the right at any time in its sole discretion to alter the percentage of Net Revenue paid to Affiliates (including the payment of commissions upon renewal) upon the provision of ten days’ prior notice. Net Revenue means the gross revenues actually received by Company due to Affiliate’s actions less taxes, refunds, rebates and any discounts given. Payment shall be made within forty five (45) days after the last day of the month in which the Customer paid Company.

C. If you disagree with any compensation paid in connection with any month, you agree to notify Company within sixty days of payment for such month. Otherwise, you agree that any and all claims for underpayment for such month shall be waived.

4. Account Termination.

A. If we suspect that you are engaged in fraud of any kind, your account may be terminated without notice. Affiliates who have had their accounts terminated are not eligible to become affiliates thereafter. Accounts which refer customers using misleading or falsified information will be terminated. Lying to a potential customer in order to persuade them to purchase our products is strictly forbidden. Using illegal means of promotion, including (but not limited to) email SPAM is strictly prohibited. Accounts found to be promoting our products using methods that break the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 will be immediately terminated and removed from the system.

A. Only one person may use an account, and each person may only create one account for themselves. Creating multiple accounts is not allowed. Affiliates with multiple accounts will be terminated.

C. Company reserves the right in its sole discretion, and without any prior notice, to terminate your access to the Service for any or no reason, including your breach of this Agreement or a violation of the rights of another or the law.

5. Prohibitions.

Affiliate warrants and covenants on an ongoing basis that its web site(s) and marketing practices:

1. Do not violate any law or regulation governing (i) false or deceptive advertising, (ii) sweepstakes, or (iii) gambling;
2. Do not contain any trade disparagement or libelous, defamatory or infringing content; and (i) do not contain any machine-readable code that could be unintentionally downloaded onto a recipient’s computer (such as a worm, virus, Trojan Horse or other self-executing program) and damage or takeover recipient’s computer;
3. Do not offer incentives to users to click on ads or complete offers that award them cash, points, prizes or automatically enter them into contests, drawings or sweepstakes;
4. Will only be marketed to people who are eighteen (18) or older that are eligible to use the Company’s product.
5. Comply with all local, state and federal laws regarding email marketing (CAN-SPAM ACT, effective January 1, 2004). If Company notifies Affiliate of its receipt of any complaint regarding Affiliate’s email practices, or alleged violations of email practices, Affiliate must respond to Company within forty-eight (48) hours of such notification and provide source information, including, but not limited to: (i) time, (ii) date, (iii), IP address, (iv) opt-in source, and (v) content of email message.
6. As a condition to your participation in the Affiliate Program, you agree that while you are an Affiliate, you will comply with all laws, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders, licenses, permits, judgments, decisions or other requirements of any governmental authority that has jurisdiction over you, whether those laws, etc. are now in effect or later come into effect during the time you are an Affiliate. Without limiting the foregoing obligation, you agree that as a condition of your participation in the Program you will comply with all applicable laws (national, federal, state or otherwise) that govern marketing email, including without limitation, the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 and all other anti-spam laws.
7. Affiliate has the legal authority to enter into this Agreement and to be bound to the promises, covenants, and other duties set forth in this Agreement.
8. Affiliate’s websites do not contain any materials that are:
i. Obscene, or pornographic;
ii. Offensive, profane, hateful, threatening, harmful, defamatory, libelous, harassing, or discriminatory (whether based on race, ethnicity, creed, religion, gender, sexual orientation, physical disability, or otherwise);
iii. Graphically violent; or
iv. Solicitous of any unlawful behavior
9. Affiliate will not use the Promotional Materials in any manner other than those set forth above.
10. Affiliate will not make any claim to ownership of the Promotional Materials, or of the copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property therein.
11. Affiliate will not publish or otherwise distribute any advertising materials for Affiliate’s websites that reference Company or Company’s website unless Company gives prior written consent to the distribution of such materials. Affiliate will not use Company’s name (or any name that is confusingly similar to Company’s name) for any purpose on its websites, in its promotional materials, or in any other context except to promote Company’s website as specified in this Agreement. Affiliate will not register any domain name that incorporates Company’s name, or that is confusingly similar to Company’s name.
12. Affiliate shall not during the Term compete directly or indirectly with Company in the sale of third party products or merchandise without the prior written consent of Company, provided that it shall not be a violation of this section for Affiliate to sell Affiliate-branded products or merchandise or products or merchandise previously marketed by Affiliate.

6. Confidentiality.

Any information that Affiliate is exposed to by virtue of its relationship with Company under this Agreement, which information is not available to the general public, shall be considered to be “Confidential Company Information.” Affiliate may not disclose any Confidential Company Information to any person or entity, except where compelled by law, unless Affiliate obtains prior written consent for such disclosure from Company.

7. Taxes.

Company shall not be responsible for any taxes owed by Affiliate arising out of Affiliate’s relationship with Company as set forth in this Agreement. Company shall not withhold any taxes from the Commissions paid to Affiliate.

8. Limitation of Liability.

Company shall not be liable for any loss of profits or costs, or for any direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential damages, including costs associated with the procurement of substitute goods or services (whether Company was or should have been aware or advised of the possibility of such damage), arising out of or associated with any loss, suspension or interruption of service, termination of this Agreement, use or misuse of the Promotional Materials, or other performance of services under this Agreement.

9. Counterparts.

This Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall constitute an original and all of which, when taken together, shall constitute one agreement. The individuals signing this Agreement represent and warrant that they are authorized to bind and do so bind the party on behalf of which they are executing this Agreement.

10. Entire Agreement.

This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Company and Affiliate, and supersedes any prior understanding or representation of any kind preceding the date of this Agreement. There are no other promises, conditions, understandings or other agreements, whether oral or written, relating to the subject matter of this Agreement. This Agreement may be amended or modified only in writing agreed to and signed by authorized representatives of both parties.