For Rs.3,000.00
For Documentation: Click Here

Features of Luxurious WordPress Theme
- Luxurious WordPress theme is fully compatible with any of the browser so that it will not be difficult for a visitor to find your website, not matters whether they are using any type of browser.
- The homepage itself consists of different menus, so it will become easy for visitors to navigate through different sections of the website.
- Whole website is crowded with numerous images which are impressive and eminent as per the name of the theme that is luxurious and are eye-soothing so that one can not stop themselves to take a deep look into your website, it also keeps the visitors engaged for long time.
- The color chosen for designing this theme(black and yellow) give a delightful look and luxurious feeling to visitors. Although if one wants to change color then it is also possible with an option of color picker.
- It is easy to translate this theme in one’s own language as it is compatible with qTranslate X plugin. Usually English is being understandable by most but in case someone not understands.
- Suitable to use with contact form 7(inbuilt contact form is included), several widgets, ad widgets etc.
- It has been tested with cache plugins, SEO plugins and other advanced plugins which gives appropriate results(it is compatible).
- WooCommerce plugin is integrated which is most important if you want to do business online. Due to this all E-commerce operations has been well performed.
- Numerous sliders can work well with this theme like revolution slider, crelly slider, master slider, cyclone slider 2 and revolution and layer slider.
- Home page itself consists of the option button buy now so that it increases the number of potential buyers.
- A section named “latest post” has been included so visitors can get latest information about the company and the various type of brand collection company deals with.
- It will be very easy for anyone to develop a website from this theme whether they belong to a technical background or not as with theme complete and pervasive documentation has been incorporated.
- It is appropriate for any type of luxury brand item like bags, watches, cars, art galleries, antiques and likewise as it is a versatile and multipurpose theme.
- It is tested with cache plugins so that loading speed of website will be fast which can increase traffic to your website as visitors want websites to be loaded as fast as possible.
- One most crucial feature is its responsiveness that is the website with its full content can be loaded to any device like mobile, laptop or tablets.
- Header and footer both are designed ultimately and both are widget friendly.
- Numerous short-codes have been encompassed approx more than 100 which make it easy to use.
- It is coded with HTML and CSS3 so that it provides an elegant view of a website to visitors and makes it more interactive.
WordPress has acclaimed as the most popular, best and easy to use CMS platform by most of the developers, website owners and bloggers. It provides luxurious WordPress themes using which anyone can develop their website easily and in an effective manner.
But these days there are many themes available in the market which can make one confuse about which is the best theme to choose for developing their website.
Some themes require extra plugins to be purchased for better functionality. If you are a businessman(deals with branded items) and you want to do your business online, then you need a sophisticated website which is very well and uniquely designed.
Luxurious WordPress theme is the best website for dealing with any business especially if you are dealing with branded products.
Nowadays, everyone wants luxury products. We can say that it has become a fashion to have everything branded.