For Rs.3,000.00
For Documentation: Click Here

Pure WordPress Theme
- Pure WordPress theme is simple and easy to handle as it is designed with a user-friendly approach.
- You can design amazing website by yourself by referring to the documentation. It comprised of step by step working of each section.
- Installation will be made available free of cost to our customers once after the purchase of the theme.
- Due to its customized design you can tweak any element. Thus, can design any kind of website.
- From the date of purchasing the theme support will be provided one year. You can contact us if you have any query, our potent designers will solve your query in a jiffy.
- Standard pages like search, archives, and category are also designed in order to made your website available with a standardized look.
- You can add more shortcodes this is plausible by exerting shortcode plugin which works well with the theme.
- Designed to be congenial with WooCommerce plugin. Hence, by making use of pure theme you can design online store or shop and can carry e-commerce transactions with efficacy.
- Page builder plugins like Gutenberg, Elementor, Divi, Visual composer, and others work at its optimum with the theme. So you can design pages of your website in an aesthetic manner.
- Coding of pure WordPress theme has been done based on WordPress Codex theme review standard.
- Along with the SEO optimized coding it is also compatible with various SEO plugins.
- Your website will be affable with old and new browsers. As the theme is designed with a flat and material design approach in order to have a flat structure website.
- You can give your website individual look and feel by giving it the color of your choice. By exerting color picker option you can tweak the color of any element.
- Due to its multilingual friendly design you can design an elegant global website and can reach beyond the boundaries of your nation.
- Tested across numerous browsers and found to be compatible with all of them like Chrome, Opera, Firefox, Safari, and others.
- Your website can be translated into any other language. As pure theme is designed translation ready with POT file incarnation.
- Based on customizer hence, you can catch up a live preview of the changes happening on your website.
- You can encompass as many widgets as you want in various sections of your website. As the theme is designed to be widget friendly.
- Your website can be rendered by high-resolution devices without any ancillary set up.
- CSS3 animations on the homepage make it look professional and beautiful in terms of appearance.
- Work at its best with various RTL languages like Hebrew, Arabic, and others.
- With the use of cache plugins you can make loading speed of your website faster. As cache plugins are compatible with the theme.
- Responsive pure WordPress theme which looks good on all devices due to its minimalistic approach
- Comes with a wide screen slider
- Comes with blog area
- Comes with 100+ shortcodes
- Very nice pure WordPress theme has 600+ google fonts
- Is SEO and SMO friendly
- Comes with an about us section
- Comes with portfolio section
- Comes with our team section
- Comes integrated with font awesome icons more than 580+
- Has been checked for code consistencies
- Page templates for pages as well as blog layout functionality
- Default contact form, testimonials and other shortcodes available
- Drop down ready theme
- Compatible with latest version of WordPress
- Coded with HTML5 & CSS3
In this digital realm, no matter you own a business or you are a company owner, it is of sheer importance to build your online presence. And, it is a known fact that these days the platform on which a majority of websites are being developed is none other than WordPress. Hence, to end your quest for a fully-featured and professionally designed theme, we have come forward with this alluring pure WordPress theme. It is one of the optimum themes to design websites like agency, creative, designer, minimal, portfolio, responsive, restaurant, shop, single product and any other related website.
This pure theme is graphically stable, professionally designed, compact structured, excellent in appearance, still much nimble to adopt any customization. You can showcase your products to a larger population by designing your website with this exquisite theme. Design your website with this theme and reach the peak of success.