My Dog | PetShop WordPress theme

For Rs.3,000.00

For Documentation: Click Here

WP Theme Features

Features of PetShop WordPress theme

    • PetShop WordPress theme provides a sleek and well-polished design to your website so that more traffic will get attracted towards your website.
    • Most vital feature that a modern website must possess is responsiveness. This theme is designed keeping in view use of different devices such as mobile, laptop, desktop or tablet. Visitors can website fit well in any type of device. Reaching your website becomes easy for them.
    • The whole theme is full of magnificent images so that just a glance of the website would tempt any visitor to take a deep look at it. It will engage visitors for a long time and it increases the possibility that they subscribe to your newsletter.
    • Various page builder plugins like Divi, Visual composer,Elementor Beaver, Live composer and others works effectively with this theme.
    • Header has three different layouts and footer consists of four menus including newsletter so that if anyone wants they can register them to your newsletter
    • It is a customized theme which is designed keeping in view competitive market so that if one wants to change the fonts, colors, layouts etc can be changed easily.
    • Homepage itself contains make an appointment option, so it will be well suited for any pet clinic.
    • Our services section has been included which lists and give details about different pet services provided by your company or clinic. By that, visitors can get a quick review about of your services.
    • There is a section named Food Love Training That explains about numerous tasks related to pets like how to groom, how to treat etc so anyone visits your website will get information about it.
    • SEO friendly that is tested with different SEO plugins. You need not worry about SEO tasks as it is ready with theme.
    • In “Our Experienced” section people can find a team of experts who are providing services and can get a brief idea about them.
    • Latest news section encompassed with blogs, posts and any recent news related to the pet shop or clinic whatever you owns. It is included to keep people engaged for long time.
    • Compatible with various browsers like Chrome, Safari, Opera and more so it is of great ease for user to find your website, not matters whether which browser is being used by them.
    • Fast loading speed which is most vital for any of the website can be achieved in this as it is compatible with cache plugins so that user will not be discouraged if they access your website.
    • You can keep an eye in the traffic on your website by regularly checking the client testimonial section.
    • Designed with HTML and CSS3 which gives an amiable view of your website. It looks more professional.
    • One can translate the petshop WordPress theme into any other language as it is encompassed with POT file so by making use of LOCO translate or PO Edit it can be easily translated.
    • Anyone can effectively and easily design their website without going into much detailed technicality as this comes with a well formatted documentation. Even if there is some problem arise while developing a website we are here to support you.
    • ”Price service” section has been included so that people can get information at what price services are being made available to them, based on that they can decide easily which service they want to take from you.
    • One can make an appointment online, visitors will not even require to call you and ask for an appointment. It will make visitors well satisfied with your website.
    • In the footer there is a newsletter menu so that people can subscribe themselves to your newsletter easily and as a result, traffic will be increased.

The PetShop WordPress theme is best suited for the one who owns a pet shop or store, pet
clinics, stores that deal with pet accessories and pet foods, animal husbandry
websites and animal lovers who want to deal with selling and purchasing of pets.

This theme is uniquely and aesthetically designed which fulfills all the requirements of the well-maintained website.

What more do you want? Give it a try and you will be impressed with its results.