How to Choose a Professional WordPress Theme for a Web Hosting Business

Professional web hosting WordPress themes are important for web hosting firms. Such themes act as tools for making websites functional with stunning looks. The Professional web hosting WordPress themes carry regular updates and support apart from the optimized performance. It also offers you security when it comes to reliability. Hosting WP theme has a professional design and carries in-built optimization for SEO. If you select such a WP theme, you simply take your web hosting venture to another level.


 You will choose the good-looking WP themes. Such themes need to have the fine features you require. These also need to have high quality. Web hosting WordPress themes include templates that cater to multiple markets. These also include WooCommerce themes and multipurpose premium and free WP themes.

Customization options

 WP themes come with multiple customization options. If there is no proper coding, there will be an obstacle to changing templates or using the plugins. If you are locked into the theme, you need an expert developer.

A WP theme that looks great could make the website slow. It may impact the search engine rankings. The design needs to be as per your liking. The template has to be fast and easily customizable.

Professional web hosting WordPress themes

Before Selecting the Right Web Hosting WordPress Theme

 Before you select the professional web hosting WordPress themes, you require things to build a WP site. Considering the perfect version of WordPress is important for you. If you use, it will provide you with the liberty to make any type of website. You need perfect website hosting with your domain name.

You can use Bluehost because it is recommended officially as a WordPress host. Many hosting companies provide you with the option of a single-click WordPress install. If you make use of another hosting provider, check the guide for WordPress installation options.

Many WP themes come with flashy animations and sliders. But many times, you do not need those additional features. It is quite important to seek a theme design layout that supports the goal. It has to be good without any kind of compromise on usability. There should not be an over-complicated presentation style of professional web hosting WordPress themes.

It is quite important to choose a template that is easy to customize. By doing this, you can make it your own in a true way. Even if you want the demo theme, you will make particular changes to make it unique. You will make changes through the WordPress theme customizer. You can also do it through the theme options panel.

More than half of the web traffic is from mobile devices. The number may differ based on the blogging niche but ensure that the WP website operates well on mobile devices.

Professional web hosting themes are your website foundation. Apart from the overall design, it is quite important for you that it loads fast. Another thing is that you have to ensure that there are regular updates. The size of the WP theme impacts the performance and speed. Your loading speed impacts all things right from the user experience to the SEO.

For the free WP theme, you can just install the theme and do the speed test. But for the premium one, you have to use the demo URL for the speed test. By this, you will get the notion of theme performance.

Role of Security in Web Hosting WordPress Themes

It is important to know the relevance of security when it comes to web hosting WordPress themes. It is the popularity of WordPress that makes it the target for hackers. If you are operating a WordPress website, it could contain sensitive information. It could contain confidential business information. If there is a breach in data, the aftermath could be both legal and financial. If you follow the proper security, it could hamper the data branches and any type of illegal access.

Poor security in professional web hosting WordPress themes can impact the rankings of the search engine. SEO, as of now, follows multiple strategies of complex order. The right keywords don’t need to always make you the darling of search engines or you become the darling with extra backlinks. The search engines look at the security aspect.

Google may check the HTTPS encryption of web themes and this could become the ranking factor of relevance. But if there are phishing attempts, malware, or spam attacks, WP themes will lack the top ranking in such a case. If there is a breach in security, it could damage the reputation of the website.

There could be brute force attacks on the web hosting WordPress themes. In this case, the hackers will attack through multiple username and password changes. Do not host the WP site with a quality provider of low order. It could lead to data loss and the security risk. Adequate security in the WP theme will destabilize SQL injection attacks that manipulate the database of the website through malicious code. Proper security will stop data corruption.

Security Measures: For the security of professional web hosting WordPress themes, it is important to use the hosting of reliability. You need to install a security plugin. You have the option to enable WAF

Web Application Firewall (WAF): WAF is an important step for the safety of the website. It is a safety barrier as it monitors the incoming traffic on the web. It further filters the malicious requests and the malicious code. It does it before these reach the server of the site.

Further Checks: It is important to keep the WP, PHP, themes, and plugins in an up-to-date order. Before you add the plugins and the professional web hosting WordPress themes on the website, ensure their safety. You have to be updated with the WordPress directory. Regular updation of the software is also important.

 Features of Web Hosting WordPress Theme

 In the present era, if you want a successful business, you need a powerful online presence. When you talk of WordPress, it is undoubtedly the most user-friendly CMS available. If you want the website to come up to the mark, you need reliable and professional web hosting WordPress themes. Such a theme should provide you with the essential features.

A web hosting theme caters to the requirements of the hosting companies.  With such a WP theme, you get an attractive design. It also provides attractive functionality. The functionality eases the management of the services related to hosting.

1. Responsive Design

In the present mobile era, you do need a responsive design. There is no compromise on this. The professional web hosting WordPress themes adapt seamlessly to the multiple screen sizes. They adapt to the different devices as well. By this, you will get a user-friendly and consistent experience.

 2. Pricing table

If you are a hosting provider, you need to showcase multiple features and packages. When the WP theme carries the in-built pricing tables, you can sufficiently display multiple plans. You can display the pricing options and the corresponding details of the plans. By doing this, it becomes hassle-free for the potential customers to do the comparison. Finally, they can choose the hosting package as per the requirements.

3. Integration

When you integrate features like registration and domain name into professional web hosting WordPress themes, it saves time and effort. You do not have to leave the website to register the domain of your choice.

 4. Fine customer support

Fine customer support is a high priority in the industry related to web hosting. You search for a web hosting theme that integrates with various customer support platforms. By this, you give on-time assistance to the customers. You will also address the issues they face.

5. Integration with the Payment Gateways and Billing

For the business related to hosting, you need effective payment and billing management. By this, you will automate the procedure. You will accept the payments in a secure way from the customers. You have compatible options like PayPal and Stripe.

6. Integration with WHMCS

WHMCS is an automation and billing platform related to web hosting. When you integrate WHMCS with professional web hosting WordPress themes, it will streamline the process of client management. Right from the dashboard of WordPress, you can synchronize orders. Apart from that invoicing and client registrations as well.

7. Loading Speed

You will not like a website if it loads slowly. You need to make sure that the WP theme is performance-optimized. It has to provide a fast loading speed. By this, you will get a fine user experience. It also has a positive impact on the rankings of search engines.

 8. Readiness with the SEO

For the website, SEO is important as it drives organic traffic. You need professional web hosting WordPress themes with the in-built SEO features. By this, you can optimize the content as well as meta tags. In the search engine results, your website will have high visibility.

9. Options Related to Customization

Each provider of web hosting carries its self identity and branding. Your selected theme needs to offer the customization options considerably. By doing this, you can personalize the fonts, colors, and layouts apart from many visual elements. This is to make sure that the website aligns with the image of the brand. Finally, the website can compete.

10. Social Media Integration (SMI)

Social media platforms play an important role in increasing the hosting business. You will effectively engage with the audience. Professional web hosting WordPress themes fused with SMI permit the linking of social media profiles. By this, it shows the social sharing buttons. You are on a path to expansion. You will win more customers.

 Future Trends in Web Hosting WordPress Themes

 If you have trustworthy hosting, it is a step closer to success. You may make a stunning website but someone has to see it otherwise it does not carry value. This is where web hosting plays a role. Some of the future trends related to the professional web hosting WordPress themes are:

 Enhanced Web Security

Security has a fine role in the hosting infrastructure. Shortly, the hosting companies will invest heavily in the area of development or updating the existing software. Such companies will trace new methods to safeguard the websites and the data of the clients.

 Multi-Cloud Hosting

In the future, global organizations will take good steps in the area of effective data management. Multiple cloud hosting carries the advantage. It enhances multiple aspects related to business operations. By this, there will be an improvement in security, IT operations, and access to the data. In the future, there will be a focus on a comprehensive solution that goes beyond the boundary of a single cloud host.

 Cloud VPS Hosting

Shared resources could be a problem with shared hosting. In the future, there will be a high emphasis on such areas.

Managed Web Hosting

In the future, there will be a major focus on managed web hosting as far as professional web hosting WordPress themes are concerned. All of it is expensive but it will provide an all-included solution to all with less know-how in server dealing.

 HTTP Protocol

In the future, there will be a high focus on the HTTP protocol because of the countless associated benefits. It will strengthen a high level of trust among the users. It will also protect the sensitive data. It will also push your website to a higher level in the Google SERP.

Hosting without Server

In the future, serverless hosting will overpower the hosting landscape. It has multiple advantages when it comes to the evolving business requirements. 


 Professional web hosting WordPress themes play an incredible role in website development. It shapes business as things go in the right way after analyzing multiple aspects of such WP themes.



Sonal S Sinha

Sonal S Sinha shares exciting Web development, Web designing, HTML, CMS, free WordPress themes, plugins and other WordPress related articles and news for our readers. He also posts selected WordPress developers interviews from time to time.