How to Increase the Search Engine Visibility of Your WordPress Website in India

Increase the Search Engine Visibility

The websites which are created with so many efforts and resources should find the right audience. One of the major decisions while building a website is the use of the best Content Management System (CMS). 

It is important that every website owner makes efforts to increase search engine visibility of WordPress website.

It may sound like a lot to do but when looked at in steps then it will become simple and easy.  The efforts of the website owners will ensure how much traffic they will enjoy.

There are a lot of options for starting your first WordPress website when it comes to CMS but it is a known fact that WordPress is the most popular amongst them all.

The platform that started as a blogging platform is now one of the most compatible CMS support which is used by one of the most prominent and popular websites. The CMS has all features to allow the users to make a prominent and vigorous website in no time.

The website creators get a chance to take matters in their own hand and develop a site using themes and templates that are readily available to them or they can take complete control and involve in the self-hosting and coding side of the platform to create the website.

The website which is now created with so many efforts also requires certain Search Engine Optimization techniques so that they are shown up front when the search is made.

It is very important that the website owners think about SEO feature as it is the most important way of the online marketing world to bring a website to the notice of everyone.

What is SEO?

The term Search Engine Optimization is a marketing process which is used to influence the traffic or improve the online presence of the site. This is an advanced form of enhancing the organic ranking of the website when the search for something is made.

Every website owner has many ways in which the traffic can be increased which are often paid, they come with the limitations and often do not work in the best favor of the website for a long run. The organic SEO knowledge, on the other hand, is beneficial for creating a good image of the website.

This will require the use of the right technique and then a lot of patience. The knowledge and use of advanced marketing tool along with an in-depth idea of the needs at this point will all come together to create a great website.

It is common knowledge that visitors will be attracted to the site if the website will have a friendly interface and is easy for them to use

There are some simple ways in which any website can ensure that they become SEO friendly

Increase Search Engine Visibility of WordPress Website

Content is the King: – There is no way any website can survive without the rich content. It is overstated but since it is the most important of them all it cannot be compromised. There will be so much difficulty in searching the website if it does not have rich content.

The content should be managed with so many things, ensure that the details that are important are included in the site (Contact information, map etc). Your content should have strategically placed keywords and phrases.

The pages without the content should not be indexed by Google which can be done by using no-index and nofollow links.

Use of Media:- The users like nothing better than an expressive image next to what they are reading. This is not just for entertainment but engaged the readers. The use of an image is just great as they also become part of the ranking.

It is a great way to add traffic to the site. The image cannot just lie there it should be perfectly optimized by adding name tags and name to the image for Google to index them. This makes the images to be reached on the site effortlessly.

Internal Links: – This is one very important way of optimizing the whole website. Inserting links to old posts within the website on the same domain is a good way to attract the search engines to your website.

It makes the visitors stay longer as they get more content well within the site. The excellent internal links should be created which are high quality and use accurate anchor text. It is a very important Strategy for SEO.

Meta Description: – This is the first thing that the visitors see when they make a search. The meta tags are 160 characters snippet which is shown in the website URL and title which summarizes the content of the website.

It is great when you go to media platform and share the link- which includes Facebook, G+ account.

The short description is not particularly ranked by the Google. The visitors visit the website after reading this content and thus the Meta description become important.

These excerpts should thus be written carefully with the exact description of what the website contains to increase search engine visibility.

Work Out the 404 Error:- This error annoys the visitors and also interfere with the pages Google can index. This error is likely to hurt the ranking of the website and it is worth the setting and the website owners should do away with the error.

Google search console allows the website owners to use tools which check the site for crawl errors. There are useable plugins as well which search the error and make it fun to use. They will redirect page to another page in a situation like that.

Shareable Content: – The blogs or the media posts and content should be shareable which increases the reach of the site. There are many opportunities that one misses out on when they are not able to make the content accessible to the larger audience.

Have simple sharable options where the icons with a single click can allow the content to be circulated. This directly contributes to the sites ranking and make is fun to use.

Sonal S Sinha

Sonal S Sinha shares exciting Web development, Web designing, HTML, CMS, free WordPress themes, plugins and other WordPress related articles and news for our readers. He also posts selected WordPress developers interviews from time to time.