WordPress Vs HTML: What’s the Best Way to Host Your Website?

WordPress Vs HTML

Every business has its own need and when it comes to finding the right platform it provides some serious implications. This is mostly as there is more than one option available to them.

To host your website you will have to decide between WordPress and static HTML for your website. Both the ways have certain shortcomings.

It is important that the right platform that is suitable for the website is chosen. It becomes strenuous when such close competition is between WordPress vs HTML.

Improving the web presence is not a simple task and choice should be made after understanding various different aspects of both of them.

It then comes down to the requirements of the website as both WordPress vs HTML have their added advantages and effectiveness.

The following comparison will help you to find the right one for your website.
What is WordPress?
WordPress started as a blogging platform which has now grown as an extremely evolved CMS. This one has simple features but excellent benefits which support the website in various different aspects.

This platform is great for non-techie users who have limited or no technical knowledge of operating websites. This is as the interface design is simple and it is easy to operate with any specialized knowledge.

One does not have to be a coder and since WordPress is open source there is no harm to the users.
What are the Benefits of Using WordPress?
Since WordPress has responded to the demands of the market well it is a suitable bet. From being a simple blogging platform it has evolved to many more functionalities which have themes, plugins, templates etc.

This allows many different types of websites that were created using this platform like blogs, directories, affiliate, professional website, business website etc. It provides power to the users to make amends to the websites.

There is no limit to the multimedia functionalities that can be used with this CMS. It is customizable and provides strategies for SEO.

The WordPress platform has the highest number of high ranked websites compared to any other platform. The latest buzz in the technology world is the small screen devices which have been tapped well in time by WordPress.

The website created on this platform is compatible with mobile phones. The themes designed at WordPress are highly responsive for accessing smartphones or tablets uninterrupted.

The website loading time on all these is minimum which ensures that the visitors are not lost to any other competitor.
Drawback to Use WordPress
WordPress requires a lot of maintenance. There are regular requirements for plug-in updates. Special care should be taken for theme and systems updates as well.

There is a definite need for managed host providers who will protect the safety and security of the website. It is an easy option but a lot of online tutorials will be required for the beginners to get the hang of what needs to be done.
What is HTML
The HyperText Markup Language is usually combined with CSS or JavaScript to create a website that looks and work the way the web owners requires.

HTML is a preferred language as it is easy for getting the feel the website needs, the formatting of texts, links, images, page layouts and headings can be done in no time.

This is a subtle and effective way of creating website pages and HTML has been committed to the same. This is a job of a professional, you are dealing with a coding language and thus beginners will have a hard luck here.

The website is designed by hiring HTML developers that are committed to website coding. The fact that it is professional building a website it is great and it is equipped with all functionalities.

It is suitable for various different size and niche. It is best for growing business that could require all additional functionalities and sink in all the requirements.
What are the Benefits of Using HTML?
The HTML has been in business since long and almost all browsers( Traditional or modern) support HTML. Compared to all other programming languages HTML is accessible on most of the current browser what it means for websites created by using the same is that they will be optimized by these online browsers easily and without any delays.

It is a simple and friendly programming language that makes the work of the developer simple. Since Search engines require something they can understand and work on HTML is a great source.

It is simple to create SEO complaint web pages using HTML as it has maximum flexibility and very little complications.

It comes with safety built in and is up to date with the language there is no need for regular updates and the existing websites run perfectly fine.

HTML has been working on low resources and thus even today the websites created by the language will in just about right on lower servers.

When required there are PHP and MySQL to the rescue. HTML has a faster loading record which just works absolute wonders for every form of a website.
What are the Disadvantages of Using HTML?
The major and the most important drawback of using HTML is that it requires a professional to work for you. Even when the site needs an update a proficient developer is required.

This means that it is costlier than doing it yourself. Even when you need a small change on the website you need the help of a professional.

The assistance also leads to the fact that you do not own the website. The joy of doing things by self is taken away. If you know what you exactly require you will not have a hard time deciding on which one to pick.

When you are thinking about blogging or adding content WordPress is great. The publishing and interactive web portals might require HTML to make that sophisticated approach.

WordPress allows you to do the thing on your own and that gives a lot of freedom to the website owner. When it is about business and advanced features than maybe HTML should be the go.

It is best to evaluate the goals and then choose the right CMS for your needs.

Sonal S Sinha

Sonal S Sinha shares exciting Web development, Web designing, HTML, CMS, free WordPress themes, plugins and other WordPress related articles and news for our readers. He also posts selected WordPress developers interviews from time to time.