How to Avoid Dangerous WordPress Plugins

Avoid Dangerous WordPress Plugins

WordPress plugins are powerful tools for improving the performance and functions of your website. However, not all plugins are created the same, and some can be major risks to your site's security, performance, and overall integrity. In this article, we'll look at quick tips to help you avoid dangerous WordPress plugins quickly and effectively. The biggest and most powerful feature

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18 Tips For Starting A WordPress Blog In 2023

Are you bothering about to start your WordPress blog? There are several WordPress themes through which you can build your website and start blogging. So, here we are representing the different tips which can help you to a great extent in starting your WordPress blog. No matter what is the time, it is exciting, sometimes troubling and sometimes a little

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Top 9 WordPress Plugins You Didn’t Know You Need On Your Website

Top 9 WordPress Plugins You Did't Know You Need On Your Website

As most of you know that WordPress has become a popular platform for developing prominent websites these days. Due to its multifaceted features, WordPress has been chosen by many of the developers. WordPress provides many plugins to extend the functionality of the existing WordPress features. WordPress plugins can provide many additional advantages to the website like collect vital data to

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The Best Ways to Optimize Images to Increase Site Speed

Content plays an important role when it comes to driving traffic and conveying your thoughts to your visitors. Content also plays an important role in increasing conversion rates and retaining visitor's interest. Content can be a combination of text, video, audio, etc. Sometimes lots of high-quality images and videos can slow your computer and the page loading time. In this

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How to Buy and Sell Websites Online

There is no surprise that the websites which are available online are the most popular way of business. They have proved that they are the best way one can advertise anything. With the increasing number of users and higher popularity and trust on online business, the whole graph is going to go up and nowhere else. The business owners who

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Page Speed Insights: How Important is a Good Performance Score

Page Speed Insights

It is important to understand about page speed insights if you are an owner of the site and you have little or no knowledge about website development. It gives the score to the website on which we can determine that the website is working well as expected or not or is there any technical issues which can be addressed and

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5 Steps to Create a Rich Landing Page with WordPress

For marketing and promoting your business online landing pages plays an important role that helps to drive user attention to accomplish your goal. The idea of creating a rich landing page is very different from the idea used to create various pages and posts on your WordPress website. The landing page can be considered as successful and attractive if the

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Tips for Managing Multiple WordPress Websites for Multiple Clients

Every business starts with the idea of growing and when you grow in business you find it a little difficult to manage things. There are many of us who host a lot of different client’s websites and taking care of all their needs from different platforms takes a lot of time. The need is often felt that there should be

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