10 Best Free Plugins for Adding Captcha to WordPress Blog

Useful WordPress CAPTCHA Plugins

As the name itself can define the meaning CAPTCHA means finding the correct users, not robots. WordPress captcha plugins protect your website from bots. Though computers are more technically fit as compared to human beings still human minds are much stronger than computers. To analyze the difference between computers and human beings or robots we use captcha. Captcha is also

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How Good Design Can Help Your eCommerce Business Grow

How Good Design Can Help Your Ecommerce Business Grow

The eCommerce business is developing quickly year over year. In any case, that doesn't imply that your eCommerce business is essentially developing at the speed you'd like. Regardless of whether your deals are slacking or are just alright, if your business is like most organizations, you want to grow your revenue faster. And, here, for eCommerce business good design is

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Is the Future of WordPress Code-Free?

Since its inception, WordPress is serving the users amazingly in case of developing their own website. The most fascinating part is that it allows you to use it as per your needs. You can build a website, redesign it, customize the widget, etc. Presently, the platform offers users to design a theme using scratch. It also allows you to install

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Is SEO Success Affected If We Change The WordPress Themes?

effect of changing WordPress Themes

WordPress offers amazing benefits as it is one of the most preferred content management system that is based on PHP and MySQL. It is a free and open source and also offers great features and tools to the developers. Getting the ranking for your WordPress website is a difficult task. You have invested your time, efforts to rank your site

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9 Types of Questions to Ask On Your FaceBook Page to Get More Comments

facebook questions

When it comes to getting more views on Facebook, it is often easier said than done. There are millions of Facebook users posting comments and links but not all of them get the required number of views, likes. In fact, if you are planning on using Facebook to connect with a ready-made audience, then you need to know that there

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Top 10 Must Have WordPress Plugins for Blog

Top 10 must have WordPress plugins for blog

Wordfence Security: Wordfence security plugin is one of the top class security plugin which helps to secure your blog from damages and crack links. We often do make use of many social media while handling our blog so many simultaneous deadlocks, errors and virus full of bugs can harm our blog at that time from protecting our blog we use

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How to Build a WordPress Intranet?

WordPress has evolved over the years and implementing an enterprise-intranet based on WordPress is given a thought today. The real question is not if it is feasible, but whether it can enhance the productivity of the business or not? There are several reasons to build a WordPress Intranet if your staff isn’t confined to a single office. Easy collaborations, storage

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How To Fix WordPress Contact Form Not Sending Email With SMTP

How to fix wordpress contact form not sending email with SMTP

If you have just configured your WordPress website and are yet to receive any email notifications from your website then chance are that your emails are being blocked. This can be quite irksome especially if you happen to be using various contact form plugins on your website to enhance user engagement and not receiving prompt email notifications can actually affect

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