A Quick Guide To The WordPress Customizer Interface

Quick Guide To WordPress Customizer Interface

Are you aware of the WordPress customizer? If you do not know then I am here to help you out with this post. For many years WordPress customizer was dull in terms of features and functionality. But, with the new version of WordPress, it becomes easy and intriguing to use customizer. You can now use Customizer as a powerful front-end

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How to Clear the Cache in WordPress and What is the WordPress Cache?

clear the cache in WordPress

What do you mean by Cache? The cache is a memory that stores data that has been used frequently. With cache memory, you can speed up your website performance to generate desired output. Consider an example that on the homepage of your website we are showing the last message from Facebook, thus every time when we visit the website homepage

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Top Free HTML5 Animation Tools To Set Your Pages In Motion

HTML5 animation tools

These days there is a competition in each and every field no matter in which field you are. Just consider, you have designed your website but it is not much dynamic or up to date. Then, of course, your website will not be in the top among your competitors. Your website will be such designed, that will keep users hooked

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How to Disable Image Attachment Pages in WordPress?

desable image attachment

Have you observed that, by default, your WordPress website generates a random page each time you upload an image to your media library? This page incorporates your image, including your header, footer, and sidebar if applicable. Over time, these pages accumulate, causing clutter in your WordPress dashboard with unnecessary content. This blog covers how to disable image attachment pages as

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12 Common Image Formatting Mistakes To Avoid On Your Website

Common Image Formatting Mistakes

While web designing, image is one of the most important elements that web designers have to take care of. It is a saying that,” a picture is worth a thousand words”. It is a fact.   In web design, pictures play a crucial role. Just consider if you have designed a website that is full of the latest features and

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Why Your WordPress Website Needs Maintenance?

If you have created a website that means you have done your half job. The other half job will be done if you have included site maintenance on your WordPress website. Remember that if you have done with WordPress website creation that means you have only worked on 1st phase because a WordPress website needs maintenance for a long life.

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7 Essential Negotiation Skills for Bloggers and Marketers

Negotiation is such a term that brings fear to the mind of bloggers and marketers. It is an obvious fact that marketers and bloggers have to deal with the term on a regular basis. Then why there is a feeling of fear when they hear the term negotiation. It might be due to the lack of negotiation skills. Negotiation fear

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7 Must-Have SEO Plugins And Tools For WordPress In 2023

Must have SEO Plugins

WordPress is one of the topnotch SEO affable content management system. Using WordPress themes you can design amazing websites and you can also incorporate a plethora of plugins and tools in a user-friendly way. If you are on a quest for the best must-have SEO plugins then you are contemplated to optimize your WordPress website. Yes, it is indispensable to

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How to Create Content Access Levels in WordPress

Content access is defined as content that is only visible to specific visitors. In simple, content access is a permission granted to your members to see the particular content. Content access is important in sense to provide premium content to your visitors or members. Plus you can ask your customers to get pay or upgrade their plan for viewing premium

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Why WordPress Developers Are The Future Of Web Design

Future of Web Design

Instead of developing a website from scratch, with the use of WordPress themes you can develop a website at a low cost. WordPress has now thousands of themes and 15,000 plus plugins. Along with this, it is an open-source platform. So, you can develop any kind of website. If you are not satisfied with this, then you can update or

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